Why Would I Need a Tool To Do This?

Daniel Rozeboom

Last Update één jaar geleden

For very simple or small shows, they can sometimes be designed by hand. However, if you've ever tried to schedule a show of this nature, you probably know that it is a very difficult problem to solve.

In fact, for larger shows, there's no computationally feasible way to enumerate and compare all possible show orders... there are simply too many potential combinations. For a show of 40 routines (i.e., what ShowSort eats for breakfast), there are more than 8 x 10^47 possible orderings. That number is an 8 followed by 47 zeroes! (815,915,283,247,897,734,345,611,269,596,115,894,272,000,000,000)

Instead of attempting to list out an absurd number of possible combinations, ShowSort uses an advanced machine learning technique to progressively search for better and better orderings, always updating you with the optimal solution we can find.

Some commercial software will tell you if there are quick changes of a certain length in a dance recital, but we're the only tool designed to automatically create a show order without quick changes for you. Save yourself time, and more importantly stress and mistakes, with our service!

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